Harley Owners Group

The Harley Owners Group® (H.O.G.) is an organization founded and sponsored by Harley-Davidson® Motor Compay. The group was established to offer motorcycling benefits and services to Harley-Davidson enthusiasts throughout the world and to develop a close relationship between the Harley-Davidson® rider, the Harley-Davidson® Dealership, and the Harley-Davidson® Motor Company.
The opportunity for an authorized Harley-Davidson® Dealership to start an independent Chapter affiliated with the Harley Owners Group® is offered to bring members together for the common interest of promoting motorcycling activities. As a benefit of membership, a H.O.G.® member may join any chartered H.O.G.® Chapter. The intent of the Chapter is to "Ride and Have Fun" with like-minded individuals who have a passion for riding Harley-Davidson® motorcycles and the Harley-Davidson® brand. The Chapter shall be a family-oriented, non-political, and non-religious organization.
You've made the commitment to ride a Harley-Davidson® motorcycle... Now let the Harley Owners Group® give a little back. H.O.G.® gives you access to benefits designed exclusively for our members H.O.G.® offers a wide variety of member benefits, experiences, and partnerships designed exclusively for members.
H.O.G.® and Harley-Davidson® are all about independence, freedom, and riding the open road. If you love it too, we want you to join us!
The Sioux Falls H.O.G.® Chapter is a local chapter sponsored by J&L Harley-Davidson® in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Our chapter is a very diverse club, made up of individuals from every walk of life, from every profession, every economic status, and every age group. We all have the common thread of loving rides and having fun on Harley-Davidson® motorcycles. With us, it doesn't matter if you ride five miles or five thousand miles a year, you are an equal and important member of the Chapter Family. We invite you to attend our chapter meetings or be our guest on a chapter ride!
Monthly Chapter Meetings
We hold our regular monthly meeting on the first Tuesday of each month unless otherwise noted. These meetings are held at 7pm at J&L Harley-Davidson®.
Weekly Chapter Rides
The idea of our weekly rides is to get out in the evening after work, do some riding and end up somewhere for a relaxing meal or just a fun evening. We set up these rides to include all days of the week, even some weekends, in hopes that everyone is able to find some time to join us for a ride. For most rides, the group leaves J&L at 6:30pm and, depending on the time of year, it could be a 10-mile ride to the restaurant or as far as 40-50 miles if the Road Captain has a special scenic route in mind. Make sure to pick up your Sioux Falls HOG Ride Book at the J&L Harley-Davidson® Front Desk or view our Online Events Calendar for ride dates & destinations.
Annual Chapter Dues
Just $30 a year for all the fun you could imagine. You must also be a current National H.O.G.® member. For many of our members, the chapter has become a second family. Life-long friendships were started with one common bond... The love of riding Harley-Davidson® motorcycles. They met at a chapter function and the rest is history. It all boils down to meeting new people, riding, eating, camaraderie, and having a lot of fun together. You can download the H.O.G.® Chapter Membership Form here. Please complete and return the form with your chapter dues and be elidgible for a 10% discount on most in-store items with a few exclusions. Please contact our store in order to learn more about what exclusions may apply.