Sioux Falls HOG Update 10/29
As most of you know, we have the renewal Gala coming up on November 20th. You have until November 9th at the HOG Happy Hour to let us know if you will be coming to the Gala so we can get a head count for the caterer. We will have food, drinks and live entertainment. The annual chapter challenges also need to be turned in by the 9th, see below for details. If you renew by October 30th, you will be entered into a drawing for a $100 gift card.
Season Long Poker Run
You will have the opportunity to draw your poker hands at our November 6th HOG Hangout and our Monthly HOG Happy Hour on November 9th. As a reminder you must have documentation of what you rode. If you participated in Ride 365 and turned your miles in to a dealership staff, we will have your miles available.
Reminder of how many hands you get per half:
0-999 = nothing
1000-1999 = 1 hand
2000-2999 = 2 hands
3000+ miles = 3 hands
The first half ended July 31st and the second half started on August 1st. You will have a maximum of 3 hands per half. Best of luck!
Chapter Challenges
The last day to hand in your chapter challenges is during our November Happy Hour on Tuesday, November 9th! Here are this year’s challenges:
- HOG Season Long Passport
- Post Office Challenge
- ABC’s of Touring – spelling out U-N-I-T-E-D-W-E-R-I-D-E
- 12 Month Challenge
Thank you for your participation in these challenges. Because of riders like you we can live out our mission to Ride Safe and Have Fun!
Thanks everyone! Have a great weekend.