Hello! I hope this reaches all our members after you been out enjoying this beautiful day on your HOG! This is just a friendly reminder to get your miles and photos in before the deadlines! Send information to Justin at Glacial Lakes HD 605-886-3448/justin@jlharleydavidson.com via email; text or stop in.

HOG Season Long Passport: Deadline: 11-6-2021

This year, we are challenging all of our members to get out and ride and this season-long passport will give you some riding ideas!

Visit the locations on the following pages

Get a stamp, take a picture, or collect a time & date stamped receipt/document to qualify

Stop at 34 out of the 68 locations to get entered in to win over $1,000 worth of prizes

If you visit ALL 68 locations you automatically win

ALL passports must be turned into your local dealership on November 6th

15 Year Challenge: Deadline: 11-8-2021

To commemorate our 15 years as Chapter to the Harley’s Owner Group we are challenging all members to ride 15,000 miles! Each member that meets the challenge will be in the running for a special prize given away at our Gala in November.

Annual Mileage Contest: Deadline: 11-8-2021

These contests promote a bit of friendly competition in hopes of encouraging members to get out and ride, ride, ride! Contestants must have the dealer or a chapter officer record odometer reading between the start and end dates to qualify. Mileage contests include: Highest Miles Award (Person riding the highest mileage for the year); Average Miles Award (Person riding the miles closest to average of all entrant’s miles); Lowest Miles Award (Person riding the fewest miles); Highest Participation in Weekly Rides (Person riding the most weekly rides each season)

Photo of the Year Challenge: Contest Deadline: 11-8-2021

Take a unique, interesting, and entertaining pictures and submit them by posting them on our Facebook page, emailing them to justin@jl-harley.com, or by submitting a printed copy to Glacial Lakes Harley-Davidson. Photos will be posted on our Face-book page and members will have the opportunity to vote for the photo of their choice by 'Liking' their favorite. The photo that gets the most ‘Likes' will win that contest and a prize. Final voting will be conducted via Facebook and in person at the dealership. Photo of The Year winner will be announced at our Gala in November. Visit our Facebook page and get in the action by going to face-book.com/GlacialLakesHOG. It is a great way to let other members know what rides you have been up to and everyone loves to see you on your HOGS.

HOG Bingo Challenge: Deadline: 11-8-2021

BINGO! HOG Style. Stop in and get your Bingo card (We have 60 randomized cards) and hit the road. Rules are simple hit the destinations on your cards and provide a picture of you and/or your Harley-Davidson to the dealership. Rider and Passenger both can have multiple cards.

Completed cards (Bingo; Blackout and 4 Corners) will earn tickets for prizes at our Annual Gala in November.

12-Month Rider Contest: Deadline 11-8-2021

This contest is based on 12 consecutive months and may be started at any time of the year. It is simple…. Once a month, either stop at the dealership to check in or supply photo of you and your Harley out on a ride with a prop in the photo to document the date and win an award!

ABC of Touring: Deadline 11-8-2021

It's not as if any of us really need an extra incentive to ride. But there's some-thing thrilling about exploring the back roads and happening upon a town that begins with the letter "Z" (Zell!). It's the little discoveries that make riding so fulfilling. Not to mention, all the great prizes you could win. It doesn't take much to take part in the ABCs of Touring. All you do is collect photos of your-self and your Harley® holding a current edition of HOG® Magazine® in front of "official" signs for various entities – cities, counties, states, countries, etc. – and you could be eligible for great prizes. Check your HOG Benefits Guide for more details on how to take part, or visit members.hog.com.

Ride 365 / Harley Visa Miles Challenge: Deadline 11-8-2021

This program promotes riding for the sake of riding! The program now starts November 1st and runs til November 1st of the following year. That night you submit your mileage, and the next day you start over for the next year. This will reward all the driving the HOG group members do for the year, not just the summer riding season. Participants must have dealer or chapter officer record starting and ending odometer readings on or between the dates of contest. How it works is sim-ple…. 1 point is earned for each 500 miles ridden; 1 ticket is entered into the drawing for each point earned; and 1 winning ticket is drawn from all entries...SO THE MORE YOU RIDE THE BETTER YOUR CHANCE TO WIN! If you haven’t turned your miles in yet, be sure to do so!

Thank you,
